EP2 Contributions in Conference Proceedings
- Simulation of the discharge and microwave-plasma coupling in a waveguide ECR thruster", IEPC-2024-592 (2024) [PDF] "
- Kinetic electron effects in a Hall thruster discharge with a curved magnetic field topology", IEPC-2024-387 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Analysis of the facility effects on the plume expansion of a Hall effect thruster"", IEPC-2024-313 (2024) [PDF] "
- "The impact of stepwise ionization in a Xe fed electrodeless plasma thruster operation"", IEPC-2024-255 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Experimental characterization of oscillations in the Magnetic Nozzle of an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Thruster"", IEPC-2024-315 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Cross-section characterization of the exhaust of a Pulsed Plasma Thruster"", IEPC-2024-610 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Cross-section characterization of the exhaust of a Pulsed Plasma Thruster"", IEPC-2024-640 (2024) [PDF] "
- "An Implicit Energy- and Charge- conserving Electromagnetic PIC algorithm for Paraxial Magnetic Nozzles"", IEPC-2024-378 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Full PIC Simulations of the Neutralization of the RIT10-EVO Ion Beam"", IEPC-2024-472 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Hybrid Fluid-PIC Simulations of the Plume Expansion in a Magnetic Arch"", IEPC-2024-471 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Analysis of Drift Instabilities in a Magnetic Nozzle"", IEPC-2024-506 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Direct thrust measurements of a 200 W Cylindrical Hall Thruster"", IEPC-2024-747 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Design, assembly and validation test of a sub-1Amp LaB6 hollow cathode"", IEPC-2024-805 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Towards self-consistent simulation of radial effects on an axial PIC model of the Hall discharge"", IEPC-2024-699 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Determining ion velocity in the interconnected plume of a cluster of two ECRTs using 2D LIF"", IEPC-2024-717 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Status review of air breathing electric propulsion experimental research at UC3M"", IEPC-2024-773 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Analysis of the plasma discharge in a radio-frequency ion thruster chamber"", IEPC-2024-329 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Comparison of two fluid codes for modelling 2D instabilities in ExB plasmas"", IEPC-2024-328 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Simulations of a magnetically-shielded Hall effect thruster with conducting walls"", IEPC-2024-571 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Emission characterization of externally wetted electrospray thrusters using computed tomography"", IEPC-2024-205 (2024) [PDF] "
- "Comparison of direct and indirect performance measurements of an externally wetted, passively fed electrospray thruster"", IEPC-2024-737 (2024) [PDF] "
- Alternative propellant study (krypton vs. xenon) of the μ10 ECR Gridded Ion Thruster at its Hayabusa2 and DESTINY+ Missions", (2023) [PDF] "
- Time-Resolved Reconstruction of the Plume of a Pulsed Plasma Thruster (PPT)", EUCASS-2023-643 (2023) [PDF] "
- Preliminary analysis of the magnetic arch plasma expansion in a cluster of two ECR plasma thrusters", (2023) [PDF] "
- Faraday Cup Design for Electrodeless Plasma Thrusters", EUCASS-2023-488 (2023) [PDF] "
- Measurements of xenon ions and atoms velocity in Cylindrical Hall Thruster with Laser-Induced Fluorescence spectroscopy", EUCASS-2023-486 (2023) [PDF] "
- Advances on cost-optimized high-pressure flow control unit within Hipatia-project", SP2022_308 (2022) [PDF] "
- Simulation of the expansion within a vacuum chamber of the plume of a Hall thruster with a centrally mounted cathode", SP2022_00155 (2022) [PDF] "
- Non stationary fluid modelling of plasma discharge in hall thrusters", SP2022_116 (2022) [PDF] "
- Indirect characterization of ATHENA performance, a novel externally wetted Electrospray Propulsion System", SP2022_312 (2022) [PDF] "
- Direct Thrust Measurements of a circular waveguide Electron Cyclotron Resonance Thruster", IEPC-2022-487 (2022) [PDF] "
- Experimental plume characterization of a low-power Ablative Pulsed Plasma Thruster (APPT)", IEPC-2022-556 (2022) [PDF] "
- Two-dimensional kinetic simulation of electrostatic instabilities in a Hall plasma", IEPC-2022-314 (2022) [PDF] "
- Analysis of the electron downstream boundary conditions in a 2D hybrid code for Hall thrusters", IEPC-2022-338 (2022) [PDF] "
- Direct Thrust Measurements of the HIPATIA Thruster Unit", IEPC-2022-491 (2022) [PDF] "
- Numerical Simulations of the Discharge and the Plasma-wave Interaction in a Helicon Plasma Thruster", IEPC-2022-498 (2022) [PDF] "
- Effect of the magnetic field angle on Hall thruster plasma-wall interaction", IEPC-2022-287 (2022) [PDF] "
- Preliminary model of the plasma expansion in a magnetic arch thruster (and overview of the first prototype)", IEPC-2022-423 (2022) [PDF] "
- A 3D electron fluid model with energy balance for plasma plumes", IEPC-2022-321 (2022) [PDF] "
- Hybrid 2D plasma simulations of a 20kW-class magnetically shielded Hall efect thruster", IEPC-2022-322 (2022) [PDF] "
- Characterization of a low-power Cylindrical Hall Thruster", IEPC-2022-359 (2022) [PDF] "
- Results of the first Helicon Plasma Thruster (HPT) coupling test campaign within the HIPATIA project", IEPC-2022-524 (2022) [PDF] "
- Probing xenon atoms and ions velocity in the magnetic nozzle of a helicon plasma thruster", IEPC-2022-484 (2022) [PDF] "
- Impact of the propellant temperature on the performance of externally wetted electrospray thrusters", IEPC-2022-212 (2022) [PDF] "
- Analysis and optimization of a network of orbital stations for momentum exchange transfers", IAC-22-D4.1.9 (2022) [PDF] "
- Data-driven analysis of breathing mode and ion-transit mode in 2D hybrid Hall thruster simulations", in AIAA Conference, (2021, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) [PDF] "
- Design of an Experimental Ablative Pulsed Plasma Thruster for Micropropulsion", in Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1, SP2020+1_00254 (2020+1, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Advances on Low-Dimensionality Fluid Modeling of Hall Thruster Discharges", in Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1, SP2020_00133 (2020+1, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Hybrid PIC-Fluid Simulation of a Waveguide ECR Magnetic Nozzle Plasma Thruster", in Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1, SP2020 (2020+1, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Preliminary investigation of the electromagnetic fields in the far plume of a Helicon Plasma Thruster", in Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1, SPC2020_0331 (2020+1, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Radial Particle-In-Cell Simulations of a Hall Thruster Discharge with Different Anomalous Transport Models", in Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1, SP2020_00297 (2020+1, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Assessment of Numerical Diffusion Effects in Magnetized Plasma Plume Simulations", in Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1, SP2020_00306 (2020+1, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Characterization of a 5kw-Class Hall Thruster via 2d Hybrid Simulations", in Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1, SP2020_391 (2020+1, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Design and Preliminary Study of a 200w Cylindrical Hall Thruster", in Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1, SP2020_090 (2020+1, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- The HIPATIA project’s initial development stages: setting the basis to bring the Helicon Plasma Thruster and its associated technologies to intermediate-high TRLs", in Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1, SP2020_421 (2020+1, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- A Numerical Parametric Investigation on the Optimal Design and Operation of Coaxial ECR Thrusters", in Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1, SP2021_00396 (2020+1, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Performance Analysis of Alternative Propellants for a Helicon Plasma Thruster", in Space Propulsion Conference 2020+1, SP2020_00191 (2020+1, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Diseño preliminar de la misión espacial TEPEU-1", CONACES 2020 (2020) [PDF] "
- HIPATIA: A project for the development of the Helicon Plasma Thruster and its associated technologies to intermediate-high TRL", IAC 2020 online (2020) [PDF] "
- Axial-azimuthal high-frequency instability modes in a Hall thruster fluid model", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-687 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- 3D simulations of a magnetized Hall Effect thruster plume", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-460 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Effect of the initial VDFs in magnetic nozzle expansions", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-818 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Analysis of the plasma discharge in a Hall thruster via a hybrid 2D code", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-579 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Simulation of radial electron dynamics in a Hall effect thruster", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-593 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Fluid-kinetic propulsive magnetic nozzle model in the fully magnetized limit", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-254 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- PIC/fluid/wave Simulations of the Plasma Discharge in an ECR Plasma Thruster", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-633 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Numerical Simulations of the Plasma Discharge in a Helicon Plasma Thruster", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-330 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Fluid Model of a Hollow Cathode Discharge", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-874 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- RF Power - Plasma Coupling Experimental Results in a Helicon Plasma Thruster Prototype", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-365 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- H2020 MINOTOR: Magnetic Nozzle Electron Cyclotron Resonance Thruster", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-875 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Studying The Formation and Neutralization of an Ion Thruster Plume with EP2PLUS", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-491 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Mechanically Amplified Milli-Newton Thrust Balance", in 36^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2019-595 (2019, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Webcam based in-vacuum tomography of plasma thruster jets", in 15^th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization (FLUCOME 2019), [PDF] "
- Influence of relevant parameters on the radial PIC simulation of a Hall effect thruster discharge", in Space Propulsion Conference 2018, 00288 (2018, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Advances in Wave-Plasma Modelling in ECR Thrusters", in Space Propulsion Conference 2018, 00346 (2018, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- A 3D electron fluid model to study magnetic field effects on an expanding plasma thruster plume", in Space Propulsion Conference 2018, 00295 (2018, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Kinetic electron response in a rarefied plasma jet expanding into vacuum (invited talk)", in $24^th$ Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, (2018, European Physical Society, Mulhouse, France) [PDF] "
- An axisymmetric hybrid model for the plasma transport in a helicon plasma thruster", in Space Propulsion Conference 2018, 00308 (2018, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- NanoStar University Network: Hands-on higher Aerospace Education through Nanosatellite Student Challenges", in 2$^nd$ Symposium on Space Educational Activities, (2018, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Collisional effects in non-stationary plasmas expansions along convergent-divergent magnetic nozzles", in Space Propulsion Conference 2018, 00332 (2018, Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France, Paris, France) [PDF] "
- Wave Propagation and Absorption in ECR Plasma Thrusters", in 35^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, (2017, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Direct-Vlasov Study of Electron Cooling Mechanisms in Paraxial, Unmagnetized Plasma Thruster Plumes", in 35^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, (2017, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Development updates for a two-dimensional axisymmetric hybrid code for plasma thruster discharges", in $35^th$ International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2017-201 (2017, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society, Fairview Park, OH) [PDF] "
- One-dimensional direct Vlasov simulations of non-stationary plasma expansion in magnetic nozzle", in $35^th$ International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-2017-106 (2017, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society, Fairview Park, OH) [PDF] "
- Development and Validation of a 2D wave-plasma code for helicon plasma thrusters", in Space Propulsion Conference 2016, (2016, 3AF) [PDF] "
- A 3D hybrid code to study electric thruster plumes", in Space Propulsion Conference 2016, (2016, 3AF) [PDF] "
- Collisionless electron cooling in unmagnetized plasma thruster plumes", in 52^nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, (2016, AIAA) [PDF] "
- Maiden tests of the HPT05 Helicon plasma thruster prototype", in Space Propulsion Conference 2016, (2016, 3AF) [PDF] "
- Towards thrust vector control with a 3D steerable magnetic nozzle", in 34^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, (2015, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Design and development of a 1 kW-class helicon antenna thruster", in 34^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, (2015, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Electric Propulsion Subsystem Optimization for ``Ion Beam Shepherd" missions", in 34^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, (2015, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Fluid vs PIC Modeling of a Plasma Plume Expansion", in 34^th International Electric Propulsion Conference, (2015, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- The FP7 LEOSWEEP project: Improving low earth orbit security with enhanced electric propulsion", in Space Propulsion Conference 2014, (2014, 3AF) [PDF] "
- Magnetic Nozzle Far-Field Simulation", in 48^th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, (2012, AIAA) [PDF] "
- On electron inertia and current ambipolarity in magnetic nozzle models", in 32^nd International Electric Propulsion Conference, (2011, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Plasma detachment mechanisms in a magnetic nozzle", in 47^th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, (2011, AIAA) [PDF] [DOI] "
- Hypersonic Plasma Plume Expansion in Space", in 32^nd International Electric Propulsion Conference, (2011, Electric Rocket Propulsion Society) [PDF] "
- Space Debris Removal with an Ion Beam Shepherd Satellite: Target-Plasma Interaction", in 47^th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, (2011, AIAA) [PDF] [DOI] "
- Two-dimensional magnetic nozzle acceleration of a two-electron component plasma", in Space Propulsion Conference 2010, (2010, 3AF) [PDF] "